Answers to common questions about Save Lives Oregon

Find answers to common questions about partnering with Save Lives Oregon and accessing no-cost harm reduction supplies through the Save Lives Oregon Clearinghouse. If you have questions that are not answered here, please reach out to us at

Becoming a Save Lives
Oregon Partner

What is Save Lives Oregon?

Save Lives Oregon is a community of organizations working to reduce drug-related harm, support the agency of people who use drugs and end the stigma often associated with drug use. We do this by connecting organizations and communities that serve people who use drugs with supplies, training and resources to support them in this work.

My organization would like to integrate harm reduction strategies into our service offerings. How should we begin?

Reach out to us at To support you in getting started, we’ll connect with you to learn more about your organization and your community. From there, we’ll provide you with resources and support to meet your unique needs and situation.


About harm

Why do we need harm reduction programs in our communities?

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Oregon was already in an overdose crisis. Today, the situation is much worse. Social isolation, job loss and trauma, coupled with disruption in treatment and recovery services have left many struggling.

About harm

What are some examples of harm reduction strategies?

Harm reduction strategies are evidence-based and proven to have profound impacts for people who use drugs and their families, neighbors and communities. Examples include providing:

  • Medication to prevent overdose, such as naloxone
  • Wound care supplies to treat minor wounds
  • Safer use supplies such as new syringes to prevent infections
  • Personal sharps containers to dispose of syringes safely

About the Clearinghouse
and harm reduction supplies

What is the Save Lives Oregon Clearinghouse?

The Save Lives Oregon Clearinghouse provides harm reduction supplies at no cost to organizations that qualify, as funding allows. Although the Clearinghouse is not designed to serve as the primary source of harm reduction supplies in Oregon and tribal communities, organizations that qualify can tap into the Clearinghouse to supplement their harm reduction programs.

Is there information about substance use disorder treatment programs that I can also share with my community?

Harm reduction is about meeting people where they are, and often serves as an access point to additional resources like social support services, medical care, substance use treatment and long-term recovery. Save Lives Oregon can help your organization connect people who use drugs with local resources, including substance use disorders treatment programs for those who choose this path on their journey.

What are the reporting requirements?

The reporting requirements are different for different supplies. For example, if you are distributing syringes, you will need to provide us with a syringe disposal plan. We will work with you to make sure you understand the reporting requirements for the supplies you order.

Are there more organizations in my community doing this work?

Almost every community in Oregon provides people who use drugs with access to harm reduction offerings at no cost, including naloxone, syringe service programs and more. Save Lives Oregon can put you in touch with local organizations that are doing the work to share insight that will support your organization’s journey to harm reduction.

What supplies are available through the Clearinghouse?

Please view the Clearinghouse application at for a list of supplies currently available to approved organizations. Supplies may include:

  • Overdose prevention supplies such as naloxone
  • Wound care supplies
  • Safer use supplies for people who use drugs
  • Personal sharps containers
Who can apply for the no-cost supplies available through the Clearinghouse?

To qualify, your organization must serve people who use drugs and fall into one of the following categories:

  • Community-based organizations with 501(c)(3) status or 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsorship

  • Harm Reduction and Syringe Service Programs within Community Health Clinics or FQHCs

  • Local Public Health Authority Harm Reduction and Syringe Service Programs

  • Tribal community and health care programs that serve people who use drugs

  • Withdrawal management/Residential SUD treatment programs for clients who are turned away, dismissed or leave

  • Uniformed First Responder agencies implementing ‘Leave Behind’ naloxone distribution programs.

  • Rural and frontier jails for naloxone distribution to people who may be at risk of overdose when in custody or when they are released

What training will be available to my team?

We offer basic training materials and videos on topics such as materials and videos on topics such as administering naloxone and customized training and support on agency-specific topics through our technical assistance program. This is available to all partners, whether or not you qualify for the Save Lives Oregon Clearinghouse.

If you qualify for the Clearinghouse, we also provide materials and training on how to make supplies available to people who use drugs served by your organization.

If my application to the Clearinghouse is approved, what will be expected of my organization?

Organizations that receive supplies from the Clearinghouse will need to file reports with Save Lives Oregon. Also, if you are distributing syringes, you will need to provide us with a syringe disposal plan.

How do I order supplies?

If you are approved for the Clearinghouse, we’ll connect with you on next steps and send you a supply order form. We can also advise you on which supplies may be the best fit for your organization and community.

How long will it take to get the supplies?

The availability of supplies and materials have been affected by COVID-19. From application to ordering, it could take approximately 90 days to establish your account. During this time, you will have the opportunity to order naloxone to bridge the gap. We encourage your organization to work to establish complimentary funding sources for harm reduction and overdose prevention supplies.

Does my organization need training to provide harm reduction supplies to the people we serve?

Training is not required to provide harm reduction supplies from the Save Lives Oregon Clearinghouse to your community. But we encourage you to tap into the resources and expertise available from leaders who have been doing this work with people who use drugs for decades. Please reach out to us at if you would like to learn more about the support and training available to your organization.