Using naloxone intramuscular
injection to reverse an opiod overdose

6 Steps

Know the signs of overdose
  • Person is unconscious and cannot be woken
  • Person is not breathing or breathing very slowly with little to no chest movements or long pauses between breaths
  • Snoring or gurgling sounds
  • Lips or inside of mouth are blue or grayish in color
Check for response
  • Shake person and shout, “Are you ok?”
  • Grind knuckles into chest bone
  • Check for breathing
Call 911
  • Dial 911 and set phone to speaker while you move on to step #4
  • Tell 911 operator that someone is not breathing
Give one dose of naloxone
  • Remove cap from vial and needle and with vial upside down, insert needle into vial
  • Draw 1ml making sure syringe fills with liquid,    not air
  • Insert needle into large muscle like upper arm or thigh and press plunger to release dose
  • Check for breathing
Start rescue breathing
If person has not started breathing on their own,
it is CRITICAL to start breathing for them.
  • Check airway, tilt forehead back, lift chin, pinch nose and give normal breath every 5 seconds for 30 seconds
  • Recheck breathing and restart cycle if the person is still not breathing
  • If not breathing after 3 minutes, give a 2nd dose of naloxone
Put in recovery position and wait
for first responders
  • Roll the person over slightly onto their side, bend the top knee and place outside hand under their head
  • When responders arrive, tell them that naloxone has been given